24 October 2008

Little dresses for little girls

Last night I finished the last of the dresses for my former neighbour's kids, and this afternoon I took them to kinder to give them to her. The Mum was completely blown away, and when Middle saw her dress she hugged it and wouldn't give it back! The Mum also loved the colour of blue I used for Big's dress - matches her eyes wonderfully well.

Size 7 dress for Big:

Size 5 dress for Middle:

Size 1 dress for Little:

Here is also the dress I made for Princess-in-Training Zoe's birthday. Unfortunately it's a little too short on her, so I'll add an extra ruffle at the bottom like on Middle's dress. That hasn't stopped the dress being rather popular - I think it's been slept in twice!

All this dress sewing, and my own girls have decided they deserve new dresses to wear to their Grandfather's 70th birthday party in December. Back to work!


From the lion's mouth said...

oh that photo is TOO CUTE! And the dresses are lovely.

Princess Eleri said...

Can you post the little white and pink ones? I reckon if they made them big enough for me, I'd be tempted ;-)