28 January 2009

Stitching at Princess Bek's

Stitching was at the Palace of me, Princess Bek, aka Princess Rebekka-with-two-ks this week. Unfortunately, I'm very slack (and also, not 100% sure where my camera is) so no photos.

I can say that no-one did any stitching. We had icy-poles, watched the tennis (with the sound off) and the closest anyone got to being creative was Princess Kate designing part of a quilt (on paper) and Princess Eleri painting her fingernails.

Prince Casper (the pug)'s new trim waistline was admired by all.

It was very hot.

The end.

10 January 2009

Booster seat

The nature strip gods and goddesses are smiling on Princess Bek yet again: as she was walking to Princess Eleri's castle for stitching on Tuesday, she passed an old brown vinyl car seat on the nature strip - just the exact sort I'd been looking out for. A bit grotty and worse for wear, but nothing a good scrub wouldn't... help...

So, a night's efforts, and check out the seat now:

Embie chose the fabric, and is one happy car seat girl now! Thanks Bek, and may the nature strip gods and goddesses continue to smile upon you :)