01 October 2012

Gifting for Princess Rosie I's Baby Prince Joel

For Princess Rosie I's baby, Prince Joel, we thought it would be excellent fun to make Australiana.

So we all made Australian animals and popped in a couple of Australian children's books (thank you Princess Emily), and packaged them all up and sent them.  Seems they got through US customs and immigration no trouble at all - who would have thought?!

Here are the pics I can find.  If anyone has any more (or, P Rosie, you'd like to send a few of them in situ), I'll update the post accordingly :-)

Much love to all,
The Princessi xxx

From Princess Viv - a kangaroo

From Princess Rosi II - a koala

From Princess Kate - a turtle

From Princess Emily - a wombat

From Princess 2Cs - a sulphur-crested cockatoo
I remember also packing (and I *know* I have photos somewhere...):
From Princess Edi - an emu
From Princess Eleri - a card mobile with eucalypt leaves and Australian animals among them

Gifting for Princess 2Cs' Baby Edi

When Princess 2Cs had her little girl, Edith Mae, we made her some puppets (as Princess 2Cs had some time ago confessed her love for puppets and wish in another life to be a puppeteer.

So, here are all our puppets and who made them.  I don't have many photos, so I hope I haven't missed anyone out or got any mixed up!  Let me know if I have, and I'll update asap.

With much love to Princess 2Cs and Princesslette Edi,
The Princessi xxx

From Princess Emily

From Princess Rosi II and Princess Janet
From (L-R) Princess Viv, Princess Eleri, Princess Rosi I

From Princess Rosie I - doubles as a washcloth!


From Princess Eleri (as it looks just like their real Mee-riow!)

From Princess Kate

From Princess Alana

Having fun with Princess Kate

When Princess Kate came home earlier this year, we had a tea party and made teacups.

Here we all are, and here are all our teacups.

Princess Kate, we miss you xxx

Princess 2Cs

Princess Eleri

Princess Kate

Princess Edith

Princess Viv

Princess 2Ks

Princess Rosi II

Blanket for Princess Edith's little boy, Owen

Well, we all decided to make a blanket for Princess Edith's little boy in 2011 - Owen.  Yes, I am very slack for not uploading and updating until now, well over a year later!
And here are the all pics of the squares and who knitted them all :-)  I hope I've remembered them all correctly - please let me know if not and I will update them.
For those of you who may be interested, I reckon it took about 40-50 hours to make it, as some of us had to learn how to read patterns, some had to learn how to crochet, some had to adjust their tension.  And etc.!  It all came out lovely in the end :-)
Love, Princess Eleri and all the Princessi

The finished article!  Check out the rainbow design (if only the image would show the right way around) with the greys in the middle.

Penguin - Princess Kate

Goat - Princess Viv

Owl - Princess 2Cs

Puppy - Princess Emily

Duck - Princess 2Cs

Princessi knitting ball and crown - Princess Kate

Elephant - Princess Kate

Starfish - Princess Rosi

Piggy - Princess Janet

Polar Bear - Princess Emily

S&B monogram - Princess Kate

Cow - Princess Alana

Frog - Princess Rosie I

Mouse - Princess Eleri

Lion - Princess Eleri

Monkey - Princess Eleri

All knitting together and crochet round the edge - Princess Eleri

With much love from us all!