06 September 2007

Stitch and bitch chez Princess Bek

Much exciting stitching happened on Wednesday (I will post photos over the weekend as camera is at home!)

Let's see.

Princess Eleri-fairy finished ANOTHER star, there are now only five to go and I am getting extremely excited about having a lovely quilt, as I have always wanted one, and this particular one is more ace than I ever dreamed of having.

Princess Kate is also working on a quilt. There will be photos of a finished square thingy and also photos of cuttings out.

Princess Alana is making a v. cute animal with purple ears.

Princess Viv started knitting something that may be blue, or may be green, depending on who you think is right about the colour (I say aqua, personally).

Princess Em was sadly absent as she's bushwalking and apparently has insane blisters.

Princess Me was busy cooking about eleventeen different courses, but I did get some more rag rug braided.

We ate cauliflower and carrot soup to start, followed by roasted vegetables (eggplant, zucchini, onion, tomato and garlic) for the vegan Princess Kate, and roasted vegetables with lamb skewers (baa) for the non-vegan Princessi. If Princess Em had been coming I would have done the eggplant separately.

I didn't do dessert, which, lucky, as we may have all exploded if I did.

Photos coming soon.

1 comment:

Alana said...

All eleventeen courses were absolutely delicious and I would have definately exploded had there been a dessert! Although looking forward to potential pudding on Monday?