I just came across this website, which has produced a standard letter to the Aviation Security Screening Review aksing that knitting needles and crochet hooks be allowed on Australian flights again.
It's really rather ridiculous that knitting needles are currently banned - at least plastic ones, which snap if you look at them the wrong way, and so could not possibly be used to hurt someone! I can't imagine that you could hijack a plane by threatening to knit, say, some really tasteless fluro 80s legwarmers, although it is a bit dreadful to contemplate...
I modified their standard letter before sending it off, as I thought (a) it's a bit wordy and (b) they're more likely to take notice if the letters are not all identical!
But if you're a crafty type (or even if you just want to help us crafty types out), get lobbying, send an e-mail and tell those silly Aviation Security people that you can't commit a terrorist act with a knitting needle. Sheesh.
(cross-posted from Bek's blog)
In a pickle
13 years ago
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