This is it, all folded up so you can see the cute edging!
The front!
A close up of some of the front!
And the back, with lovely yellow fabric donated by Princess Kate (who also has the world's best iron!)
\As everyone knows, it's a bit of a miracle when I finish a project. My modus operandi is normally to get somewhere less than half-way through then put in cupboard and ignore for 10+ years.
This time, however, I have no only started and finished a project in exactly two weeks (with many thanks for excellent assistance/advice from Princessi Eleri and Kate) but I have finished it *before* the birth of the baby it's meant for. First time ever.
Luckily, the baby won't be able to tell (at least not initially) that I can't sew a straight line to save my life (at least not with bloody enormous thick wadding in the middle) that I swore my head off and threw things because (a) I broke FOUR needles, (b) the red cotton ran out with two seams left to sew, (c) the spool ran out with one seam left to sew, (d) my stupid sewing machine keeps unthreading itself mid-seam and (e) other random badness.
I stitched the back of the edging by hand yesterday while watching eleventy-three episodes of Battlestar Galactica.
And next time, I am (a) using much, much thinner wadding and/or (b) getting someone to quilt it professionally, like Princess Kate so sensibly does.
On another note, I'd really like to do this to my couch!
Wow, that's totally awesome! It looks really fabulous. Huge congratulations on doing such a great job :)
Thanks Kate, you can't see my utterly crap quilting in the photos though!
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