Right, no extra-fancy formatting this time! (stoopid formatting - gah!)
Stitchery was held at my place last week, and we were a full contingent bar Princess Eleri, who was sadly missed :( Hopefully she will be in attendance next week.
For the regal supper we consumed quiche, pasta salad, and pasta-salad-minus-the-pasta for the non-wheaten-types. Princess Rosie provided a bottle of wine at Prince Brian's insistence (we don't mind, thanks Prince Brian!), and at Princess Viv's request, Princess Kate had baked a Lumberjack cake for dessert. It was served with fresh ripe yummy strawberries.
Prince Bron arrived home unexpectedly early from choir rehearsal, and the well trained lad proceeded to make hot drinks for us all. Much hilarity ensued when he asked Princess Rebecca "And how do you like your chai?"...
We're all going well on our projects:

Honorary Feline Princess Lillian finished pinning her quilt sandwich together and decided that it was time to curl up and relax for the rest of the evening.
I think it passed the comfort test :)

Princess Bek started reading the Quilting Bible to decide how to proceed with the cat cot quilt she's making for her colleague's soon-to-arrive baby. It's made donated from scraps, including cat hair generously donated by HFP Lill.

Princessi 2Cs and Rosie worked hard on their knitting projects: Princess Rosie has very nearly finished the
simian jumper with the extra-long sleeves and a (metric) bazillion stitches per row. It is so heavy and warm!
Princess 2Cs was knitting a wrap from snuggly soft warm wool. It starts at a point at the back and then separates into two parts to go over the shoulders.

Princess Emily continued working on her sheepie quilt - I don't think this square is a zombie though! Princess Jocelyn supervised ;)

Princess Alana industriously worked away at her jumper for Prince Ed. The back is complete and she is now about half-way through the front. Yay! It should be ready for next winter at this rate!

Poor Princess Viv the injured sat enthroned in the arm chair and continued knitting her jumper. It's for herself! A lovely soft and thick wool, great for getting through faster. She's also finished the back and is a good way through the front - ready to wear next winter as well.

Princess Kate decided that using her sewing machine was way too noisy for the number of people in her cosy lounge room, so kept working on her knitting instead. Her yarn was coming close to running out, so she started on the ribbing - but then did as much ribbing as was needed and still had plenty of yarn left. So after the Princessi had departed that night, she pulled out all the ribbing she'd knitted that evening and continued knitting the sock in the pattern.
This afternoon I finished the socks!! I completed the ribbing with what yarn I had left (with about 6cm of yarn left after casting off - perfect!), and when I compared it to the first sock, I saw that the second sock is only about three rows shorter.

Everyone, make sure you're seated...
I'm leaving it like that, with one sock three rows longer than the other. Shocking, I know :P