We were looking forward to welcoming new stitcher Rosie, but she didn't end up coming - perhaps my "see you tomorrow night" - written late on Monday night - confused the matter. Oh dear. So it was a small gathering tonight, with just Princesses Eleri, Alana and Kate in attendance.
Princess Eleri brought along a fabulous show-and-tell with the completed top (minus border) of her wedding ring quilt. Only has to be finished in a week or so - thank goodness there's a long weekend coming up!
Once the top had been ironed, photographed, draped and adored, it was time to contemplate the border and how to apPLIque it to the rings. Quite difficult, really.
Poor Princess Alana is sick with a head cold again after staying up late baking for the bake-off, but she still managed to work industriously on Prince Ed's jumper. Nearly one ball of wool finished (sssssh, only 16 remaining). Estimated completion date by winter 2009 :)
Princess Kate had intended to work on her interim emergency project (another gypsy skirt made from charm squares) while her fabrics wing their way from the US (brilliant website: http://www.hancocks-paducah.com/ for all your quilting needs. Hide your credit card first!), however conversations of fabrics and stashes distracted her, and so she spent some time searching through and sorting old boxes of fabric. After looking in the box labelled 'Evening Fabrics' (and finding some amazing and forgotten pieces), she resorted to opening the box labelled 'Mending and Incomplete' to find the 80cm of $120/metre embroidered silk that she'd never dared cut into. It was originally purchased for a corset, along with all the boning, piping and ribbon, however the prototype didn't fit and was too much of a pain to resize. So ideas were discussed about what to do with this incredibly expensive and stunning fabric - feature panels in a skirt, I think we decided.
Interim emergency project:
Very expensive embroidered silk:
Last week I was so inspired by the apPLIque jumper I was sewing for Della, that I stayed up late once I got home and kept working on it until the wee hours. Silly me. Here it is:
I've been thinking of setting up at Etsy store for clothing like this and the skirts - what do people think?