However we quickly grew tired off our various stitchings especially when we discovered that Princess Kate had never experienced Rapidoh before. So after a delicious dinner of cheesy (or not so cheesy in Princess Kate's case) pasta bake and fulfilling our bitching quotient we settled in for a quiet game. For those of you who have not experienced Rapidoh before (you poor, pooor souls) it is basically Pictionary except instead of drawing a picture you have to sculpt it out of play-doh instead. So much more fun. After spending about five minutes trying to decide on teams (P. Eleri and P. Viv must be kept separate by all means as they appear to have some weird psychic Rapidoh mental connection) and managing to avoid 'paper, scissors, rock' even though we all secretly wanted to do it, we teamed up with the person opposite which was rather sensible as it meant no one had to move. So it was P. Viv and P. Alana against P. Eleri and P. Kate. Team Red (V and A) didn't do so well although Viv's donkey was a piece of beautiful sculpting even if everyone else thought it was a demented rabbit, but I knew what it was (clearly the tail would be a lot shorter if it was actually a rabbit).

However it was no match for Team Blue's Princess Kate's apple core which was very life like except for the colour of course.

Special mention needs to go to Princess Eleri and Princess Kate for attempting to sculpt 'coach' which proved far harder than initally thought. They began by sculpting a carriage but when that failed to deliver the correct response Princess Eleri moved on to sculpt a bus which can be also called a coach but somehow I just couldn't get past the bus so then P. Eleri sculpted two tennis players complete with rackets and then a third figure without a tennis racket that in hindsight was obviously a coach but at the time I though he was trying to shoot the tennis players which did not help matters. Rapidoh provided a good belly laugh for us all, so much so there was crying involved (it was emotional) and I think the term 'Power Drill' will never be thought of in the same light again, hey Princess Viv!
Recipe for Chocolate Apple Cake:
185g butter, softened
1 1/4 cup castor sugar
3 eggs
2 cups self raising flour
1/3 cup cocoa
1/4 teaspoon bicarb of soda
1/3 cup water
2 medium apples, peeled, cored and grated
Combine all ingredients in bowl and mix until well combined. Pour into 20cm lined round cake tin and bake in moderate oven (180 degrees celcius) for 1 and 1/4 hours. Cool and top with chocolate icing. Delicious!