25 July 2007

Apple Trees

Well, stitching was lovely last night, and I'm pleased everyone thought the buffet salad avec chicken was delish - such a cop-out, as it was super-easy!
Anyway, for those of you I told about the apple-tree pattern that Cathy likes, it's a Rowan pattern, and this is what it looks like - isn't it pretty?

19 July 2007

Stitching 18/07/2007

So we had a record number of stitchers/princessi last night for stitch 'n bitch. There was Princess Bek, Princess Eleri, Princess Viv, Princess Lemily, Princess Kathrine, Princess Kate and the hostess for the evening, moi, Princess Alana. It was very cosy in my living room as this pic attests:

Princess Katherine (apologises if your name is misspelt, I know there is like a million ways of spelling Katherine) was honoured by Princess consort cat Matilda who very rarely honours her own Princessi with a lap sit and Princess Emily (right) was joined by consort cat Moonshe, who is a lap slut

Here are some pics of Princessi in stitching (and sometimes bitching) action

And all the hard work was rewarded with a dessert that my mum used to make for me called:

Chocolate Crunch

1 cup self raising flour
1 tablespoon cocoa
1 cup coconut
1 cup cornflakes
1/2 cup sugar
150g butter
6 drops vanilla

2 cups icing mixture
2 tablespoons cocoa
enough water to make a fairly runny icing

1. Sift flour and cocoa and mix all other dry ingredients into a bowl.
2. Gently melt butter then mix with other ingredients, add vanilla at this step.
3. Press mixture into baking tray and flatten until approximately 1 & 1/2 cm thick.
4. Bake in oven 180 degrees celcius for 25-30 minutes.
5. Pour chocolate icing over slice whilst still warm.
6. When icing and slice has cooled, cut into bite sized slices (or bigger as I like to do!)

Mmmmmmmmm. Delicious!

18 July 2007

As promised, the Giraffe Wheatbag

This is the lovely wheatbag I made for my sis - check it out!

Princess Eleri

16 July 2007

And more photos!

Princess Em is hard at work on her embroidered leopard!

Princess Viv is doing patchwork.
As you see!

At last, I remember my camera!

Greetings and salutations, Princessi everywhere!

To your left you see Mousey, who is now an lolcat.

Here is Princess Kathryn, doing some v complex left-handed knitting.
Here is Doggy Freyda. She is not doing craft.
Princess Alana says "Let us eat cake".
And Viv's dolly is all finished.

15 July 2007

Last Wednesday

Hi Princessi,

I keep forgetting my camera, so I haven't got photos to upload, d'oh!

I did find a website that has videos of how to knit left-handed for Princess Kathryn though - here it is. Turns out, it's quite a lot more complex than just having the yarn in the other hand - you need to reverse patterns and stuff. Anyway, the website explains and etc.

I believe this week we are meeting at Princess Alana's for a vegan feast/chicken and chips (I shall name my chicken Arthur). I really must find something crafty to do this week that doesn't involve plaiting the hairs of My Little Ponies.


I will try to remember to upload photos tomorrow. Meanwhile, Princess Eleri, where are your finished project photos?

Princess Bek

12 July 2007

Missing S&B :-(

I was very sad this week to miss S&B, but I was on ferrying-ickle-sister-Siany-to-the-airport duty. Which, in itself, was also very sad. In fact, much sadness all around.
Ickle-Sister-Siany is home safe and sound and well, though, which is good.
And, in order to make up for the no S&B this week, I was crafty at home instead! In fact, I actually did a complete project! I will leave you on that tantalising note until I get the photos.
More soon :-D
Princess Eleri
PS. What news with you Princessi?