27 June 2007

27 June 2007 - Princess Bek's house

Last night the Princessi (apart from those beeatches who are in Queensland, Sydney or studying) assembled at my place.

We ate soup (lentil).

We also ate the legs of several chickens (just so as not to be too hippie, what with the lentils).

Princess Eleri stitched stars. Well, one star!

Princess Em stitched a tiger

Also, she has shoes shaped like kitties. And my kitty liked Princess Em and sat on her lap while she ate dinner.

Princess Viv is making a really cool doll. It has a single dreadlock like Lister from Red Dwarf (whom I always found Strangely Alluring - is that really wrong?)

Princess Viv is also making patchwork. I, alas, was far too slack to do anything last night, having had a day full of administering first aid and working like a drone, so I packed half a box instead. Oh, and made lentil soup and tasty legs of chickens.

Princess Alana, Princess Kathryn, Princess Lynne, and Princess Sian were sadly unable to be with us.

Oh, and we also did a considerable amount of bitching, as is required by our Manifesto.

26 June 2007

I need more time!

My friend Deryn has sent me this rather fabulous link:http://www.lisag.com.au/ Although the lady is on maternity leave, check out her gorgeous hand-made knitting needles and fabulous hand-dyed wools.
Also see http://www.reprodepot.com/
How is there time for all this creativity?! I need more time!

21 June 2007

Oh dear, where did the day go?

I meant to post these first thing!

Here is the beautiful bunny-shaped wheat bag Princess Viv is making, complete with her awesome embroidery

And here is Princess Viv, with the head of a vampire/mermaid (vermaid? merpire?) she is making

Here's the latest ruggie I'm knitting - a sampler of different knitting stitches.

Here are gorgeous cakey things made by Princess Eleri (left) and Princess Viv (right)

Here is Princess Eleri with her scarf (she made tassles last night)

Here is the fabric and pattern Princess Em is using to make PJs for one of the smaller Princessi

And here is the delicious roast Princess Em cooked!

Princess Eleri has more photos - I'm sure she'll post them soon!

19 June 2007

20 June 2007

Hello my fellow Princessi!

I hope we are all geared up for stitching and bitching at Princess Em's place tonight (including special guest all the way from England, Princess Sian!)

We will be able to post photos of projects and dinners and cats tomorrow

Princess Bek

12 June 2007


Hello my fellow Princessi, Eleri and I were just chatting and decided that we should have a Princessi blog so we can post pictures of our S&B projects (and dinners) and write about our general fabulousness.

As an introductory picture, here is Princess Lynne with her fabulous scarf!
Send me any fabulous crafty links you have so we can add them to the links we like section, and I will see you all next week.
Princess Bek x